It is good to give thanks unto the Lord… The Lord is righteous. God is my rock. – Psalm 92
Dear Gatherers,
Moving into these first weeks of Lent feels a little like returning to school after summer break. We know the drill. We just have to get back into practice. And if we’re lucky, not only will we learn new things; we’ll acquire new and improved skills. That’s what we’re hoping for at Gather. We’re taking time to learn more about prayer from folks who know a thing or two about it.
We start with Wilbert Watkins beautifully leading us toward the prayer practice of gratitude. His thoughts on this topic are a true blessing. Carve out 15 minutes to spend with Wilbert. He’s got a special gift for us and we’re grateful that he’s shared it! Click below to access the video.
Peace, with much gratitude,
Pastor Tim
Giving News
We’re delighted to add a new stewardship channel to Gather. We’re now on Givelify, enabling us to use a church-friendly app for easier giving. This is in response to several folks who were frustrated by not having a third option. Take a moment to scan the Q-R code and register. God is good to all of us, and it’s a blessing to share together in this work!

A Lenten Journey with Madeleine L’Engle
This year we’re traveling Lent with an expert navigator, the famous 20th-century author and religious thinker, Madeleine L’Engle. You can order her book 40-Day Journey with Madeleine L’Engle on Amazon. (It’s also available on Kindle.) Then join us each Thursday as we look over the past week’s readings and discuss what spoke to us.