- We are committed to the radically inclusive gospel of Jesus Christ, which erases all social, racial, gender, and sexual boundaries that impede the full acceptance of every person.
- We believe the Bible conveys God’s desires for humanity and speaks to us in meaning discerned through prayerful interpretation, scholarship, and revelation made evident in the spiritual and ethical commitments of the faith community.
- We embrace the Bible’s declaration of freedom, which is the core message of the Hebrew Bible, Jesus’s ministry, and teachings of the Apostles and Christian theologians through the ages.
- We believe every person is God-created and valued as the primary means by which God’s truth and presence are made known in the world.
- We honor Christian tradition that views Jesus as God Incarnate, fully human and fully divine, the Word Made Flesh to live among us as our example.
- We believe the atoning work of Jesus at Calvary liberates us from the powers of sin and condemnation.
- We believe in the bodily Resurrection of Jesus as the definitive triumph over injustice, shame, rejection, violence, and death.
- We rely on the Holy Spirit sent by God according to Jesus’s promise, as the Church’s manifest empowerment to follow Christ.
- We welcome and nurture the diverse gifts and ministries that the Spirit enables for Christian witness in believers’ lives as well as the life of the Church.
- We believe genuine faith retains freedom to question, doubt, and reject any doctrine that diminishes the worth of any individual regardless of class, race, gender, or sexual identity.
- We believe faith without works is unprofitable and testify to belief that generates commitments to social justice and equity for all people.
- We anticipate the coming of God’s reign as Jesus taught, living in the present with hope that the world will one day be reconciled to God’s vision of justice, equality, and freedom for all of Creation.
- We respect and honor non-Christian faith traditions and believe they too are part of God’s plan to reconcile the world to God’s vision.
- We believe God will ultimately judge us according to our faithful love for others as evidence of our faithfulness and love for God.