Good All the Time

By April 24, 2024April 26th, 2024Weekly Update

Being in close contact with so many of you nearly all the time, I’m in the enviable position of witnessing goodness happen: graduations, acceptance into doctoral programs, new jobs and relationships, new homes. And then I’m also witness to struggles and sorrow: protracted illnesses and loss—as we experienced this week with Bill Hall’s passing—dashed hopes, deferred dreams, unpleasant disappointments. These are the moments when “God’s goodness” feels like an oxymoron. The Psalmist captured this emotion when writing, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13-14). This coming Sunday we’re going to meditate about this together. What does that text say to you? How have you seen it play out in your own life? Please record a short video with your thoughts and upload it below. We are grateful for each of you and how your voice is what enables Gather to sing!