I cry out to you from the depths, Lord—my Lord, listen to my voice! – Psalm 130:1
Dear Gatherers,
While we’ve spent Lent in the Psalms, I’ve been preaching for a Disciples of Christ church on Chicago’s North Shore. They’ve been in John’s Gospel, working through very complicated narratives like the Samaritan woman and the man born blind. It’s not surprising that the Psalms and Gospels comment on one another. And digging into these passages has been a special blessing to me.
The Gospel stories are all about transformation. The woman at the well is transformed when Jesus gives her living water. The man born blind is transformed when Jesus gives him new sight. In the background to both stories, we find a grumpy group of Pharisees who seem always upset about something Jesus has done.
Meanwhile, the Psalms are all about forgiveness from sin—texts that the Pharisees surely knew by heart but somehow lost sight of. (Jesus actually accuses them of blindness in the healing story.) And that’s got me thinking lately about ways we may have become blind to forgiveness. What is that experience like—to be forgiven? The writer of Psalm 130 compares it to be lifted from the darkest depths to watch for morning light. That’s a magnificent image we’ll explore more deeply this Sunday on YouTube. For now, let’s take some time and work with that: God has forgiven us, is forgiving us, will always forgive us. What does that mean for us? How does it feel? Let it lift you!
See you on Sunday at 5pm on YouTube!
Giving News
We’re grateful for everyone who faithfully offered tithes, monthly contributions, and gifts to sustain Gather’s ministry. Together we gave $5,569, enabling us to meet our expenses and put some in reserve to prepare for our move into a settled space. If you’re not a regular Gather supporter, we encourage you to join in.
Lenten Prayer Series: Intercessory Prayer
Join Wilbert Watkins and Katharine Obed as they discuss intercessory prayer—how it works, how it’s done, and why it’s an essential prayer practice.
A 40-Day Journey with Madeleine L’Engle
Our Lenten travels with one of the 20century’s most beloved authors continues. Join us each Thursday at 7:30pm CDT as we look over the past week’s readings from her 40-Day Journey(available on Amazon and Kindle) and discuss what spoke to us.