Fearful & Faithful

By November 4, 2021Weekly Update

Dear Gatherers,


Imagine this. Over the past three years you’ve followed a dynamic preacher who espouses a lot of dangerously countercultural ideas. Joining his group completely changed your life—no small miracle because you came with a lot of baggage. In fact, everyone in his group tells that story. Some had dark and troubled pasts. Others were so poor they had nothing to lose. Still others were social pariahs. There’s no reason you should be together, love one another, and work tirelessly to live out the transformative message of your teacher and healer. But it’s an amazing project that embodies bold hope for the world and you can’t believe you’re part of it.


Then everything implodes. One minute everyone’s enjoying dinner. The next, your leader’s arrested, abused, falsely convicted, and publicly executed, with his corpse sealed in a borrowed grave for safekeeping. Now there’s no trace of him. The grave’s torn open. A stranger says your teacher has come back to life and wants to meet up. (He did predict this would happen, btw.) But seriously: Where is he?


Living through the Calvary and Easter aftermath had to be terrifying. Yet the disciples’ reactions offer up compelling case studies that can transform our own understanding of trauma. This month we’re blessed to have one of America’s foremost trauma and theology experts, Rev. Dr. Zachary Moon, guiding us through the events after the cross, starting with Mark’s Gospel, whose earliest drafts end with this: “Overcome with terror and dread, they fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid” (Mk. 16:8). We’ll spend November observing these believers who were fearful and faithful as they struggled to cope with loss and trauma in real time.


This just-for-Gather series promises to be one of our most unforgettable ever. We meet each Thursday evening at 7:30pm CT. Click on the link below to be there!


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Meeting ID: 854 7235 5614

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Pastor Tim